Empowering Health and Physical Educators

Join ND SHAPE to ensure quality health and physical education programs and professional support for educators at all levels.


Professional Development


Our Mission

ND SHAPE is dedicated to supporting health and physical educators from kindergarten to collegiate level. Our mission is to advocate for quality health and physical education programs, provide professional development opportunities, and create a network of passionate educators committed to the health and well-being of students.

Our Purpose

We strive to maintain and improve heatlth and physical education programs in schools, ensuring that every student has access to quality health and physical education. By joining ND SHAPE, educators gain access to resources, networking opportunities, and a platform to voice their concerns on state and national legislative issues.

Our Commitment

ND SHAPE is committed to recognizing outstanding teaching service, promoting professional involvement, and offering funding opportunities to support innovative educational programs. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of students and the future of physical education.

Membership Benefits

Advocacy for Physical Education

We work tirelessly to maintain and increase physical education programs in schools.

Liability Coverage

Members receive $1 million in liability coverage for activities related to their HPE position.

Professional Development

Access to quality education programs at regional, state, district, and national levels.

The Power of Professional Support

Advocating for Health and Physical Education

In the face of ongoing budget cuts, the role of professional organizations like NDSHAPE and SHAPE America becomes ever more crucial. These organizations tirelessly advocate for the maintenance and enhancement of health and physical education programs in our schools. By providing a united voice, they ensure that the importance of quality health and physical education is recognized at both state and national levels. Your membership supports these efforts, helping to secure the future of health and physical education for all students.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Become a member of the North Dakota Society of Health and Physical Educators today and stand with us in advocating for quality physical education. As a member, you’ll gain access to invaluable professional support, networking opportunities, and educational resources. Together, we can ensure that physical education remains a priority in our schools. Your involvement is key to our success.

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