The Honor Award is bestowed annually for meritorious service by members of ND SHAPE and to the professions represented. The award recognizes contributions on the part of members of the association in the following ways:

  • Be a person of personal integrity who exemplifies the spirit of devoted service to the professions and who has made an outstanding and noteworthy contribution to the advancement of health, physical education, recreation, or dance.
  • Present evidence of successful experience in the following categories of service: offices/leadership, committee work, writing/research, speaking, teaching, coaching, performing, supervising and directing.

To nominate someone for the Honor Award, please fill out the

Award Nomination

  • If you do not see the award you would like to nominate in this drop down menu, please use the Awards tab at the top, as they have a different form for nominations.

2023Craig Heuer
2022Chris Mahoney
2021Jason Steele
2020Leah Wheeling
2019Mike Porter
2018Kurt W. Weinberg
2016Dr. Joe Deutsch
2015Nicole Lindgren
2014Jaimie McMullen
2013Rachel Johnson Krug
2012Deb Conlon
Vicky Bender
2011Tami Doppler
2010Terry Eckmann
2009Mary Ann Donnay
Amy Heuer
2007Rebecca Gunderson
2006Dr. Wendy Frappier
Donna Hutchinson
2005Dr. Brad Strand
2001Dr. Roman Horesji
1998Janelle Schumacher
1994Dr. Donna Terbizan*
1993Russ Werth
1991Susan Schultz
1989Mary Herring*
Chuck DeRemer
1986Dr. Martin Johnson*
1984Tom Manley
1983JoEllen Demester
Jim Potter
1980Dr. Lyle Belk
Dr. Jan Adair*#
1979Candy Pendergast
Helen Smiley
1978Doyle Radke
Patricia Warcup
1976Walter C. Koenig
1975Jerry Larson
Dr. Roger Kerns*
1974Bill Graveline
Tom Manley
1973Clair Roth
Bertha Geiger
Bill Bolenchuk
Vern Lindsey (Lay Award)
Elenore Hendrickson (Lay Award)
1972Cathy McCann
Delores Paulsen
Dennis Hogan
1971Loui Bogan
LaVernia Jorgenson*
Gladys Johansen
1969Dick Karlgard
Bruce Melland
Beulah Gregoire*
Charlotte Graichen
Robert Clayton
John Quaday
Lois Jacobson
1968Lois Jacobson
1967Lucille Whitt
1966Beulah Gregoire
Bernadine Cervinski
Lucille Witt
Lois Jacobon
Dick Kaarlgard
Bruce Melland
Charlotte Graichen
Robert Clayton
John Quaday
Lois Jacobson
1965Earl Butt
Betty Gates
Joe Kolba
Richard Klein (Lay Award)
1964E.J. Cassell
Harry Weinbergen
1963Hazel Detterman*
Ted Keck*
Len Marti
Ervin Kaiser*
Grace Rhonemus
Loraine Schumacher*

* Central District Honor
# National Honor

See also
Elementary Physical Education
Middle School Physical Education
High School Physical Education
Adapted Physical Education
Health Education
Dance Education
College/University Health Education Professor
College/University Physical Education Professor
Pathfinder Award
Athletic Director of the Year
Administrator of the Year
Exemplary Program
Central District Awards

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