ND SHAPE Awards Nominations

Every year North Dakota SHAPE (Society of Health and Physical Educators), formerly North Dakota Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NDAHPERD), offers many awards to recognize some of the amazing Health Educators and Physical Educators in...

Roughrider Health Conference Registration

Happy New Year from the North Dakota Roughrider Health Promotion Association! We are celebrating our 29th year of the Roughrider Conference June 2nd-June 5th 2015 in MEDORA. This year’s conference theme “FIRE UP 4 HEALTH CAMP” will open with the legendary Dr. Jo...

Common Core and You Training

Did you know that SPARK PE is coming to ND?  Here is the info for their training coming up on December 9 and 10.  There are still spots available! Common Core and YOU is a full day workshop that will examine the Common Core State Standards Initiative through the eyes...

ND Stack UP 2014

Stack Up 2014! The goal for the Guinness Book of World Records is 600,000 people stacking worldwide on Thursday, November 13th, 2014! NDSU Physical Education Teacher Education Majors participated…..did your students?? Comment below if you and your students...


Lois Mauch and Amy Heuer presented at the ND Association of School Administrators on Thursday, October 16, at their annual Fall Conference in Bismarck.  At the session they presented the importance of movement to the academic performance of students.  To access the...

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