Check out our latest newsletter, with information for Sport and PE Week, as well as implementation of health.moves.minds.

In This Together

As we are entering our 5th week of e-Learning in North Dakota schools, we are beginning to adapt to our new normal. We continue with the uncertainty surrounding seeing our students before the end of this school year. There are a few things we need to be considering:...

Challenging Times

Dear Fellow North Dakota Health and Physical Educators, As you are certainly aware, we are currently experiencing unprecedented events that leave us all searching for ways to adapt, both personally and professionally. We have been forced into school closures for the...

Are YOU right for the ND SHAPE Board?

We are currently looking for candidates for the ND SHAPE Board! If you would like to help bring quality PD to North Dakota, be involved in advocating for the HPE profession, and be a leader in our field, please fill out the nomination form here!

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