NDAHPERD Workshop Announced

Come and learn about the NEW Presidential Youth Fitness Program and how it uses Fitnessgram! Get the latest on Brain Research and the importance of using Brain Breaks in your classrooms! Take home activities that you can implement the very next day in your PE classes!...

R-COOL-Health Scrubs Academy

R-COOL-Health Scrubs Academy, for students that have completed grades 6-8, is a mini-preparation program that encourages students from across ND to pursue a career in health care. Students participate in hands-on activities and receive information related to a variety...

Funding Opportunities

The Safe & Healthy Schools unit in the ND Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has posted a new “Funding Opportunity” document dated January 2, 2014 which can be found at www.dpi.state.nd.us/health/CSH/opportunities.shtm. This list is not all-inclusive, but will...

Stalking Awareness Month

January 2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the first National Stalking Awareness Month, a time to focus on a crime that affect­ed 6.6 million victims in one year. The theme is “Stalking: Know It. Name It. Stop It.” ; a challenge for the nation to fight this dangerous...

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