NDAHPERD MOVBand Grant NDAHPERD would like to offer a grant opportunity for our members.  To learn more about MOVBands, please visit their site HERE The deadline for this grant is February 27, 2015. Guidelines for the grant include: Recipient must be a NDAHPERD Member...

Roughrider Health Conference Registration

Happy New Year from the North Dakota Roughrider Health Promotion Association! We are celebrating our 29th year of the Roughrider Conference June 2nd-June 5th 2015 in MEDORA. This year’s conference theme “FIRE UP 4 HEALTH CAMP” will open with the legendary Dr. Jo...
NDAHPERD Elementary PE Teacher of the Year Honored

NDAHPERD Elementary PE Teacher of the Year Honored

Teachers do a lot more than just teach. They set examples, inspire and guide children to become the best they can be, so honoring them for all their hard work is the least someone could do. The North Dakota Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and...

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