2017 NDSHAPE Conference At A Glance

If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time to attend the 2017 NDSHAPE State Conference in Fargo, ND, August 1st and 2nd, 2017.  To register, please click here. To see what is being offered, take a look at our 2017 NDSHAPE Conference at a glance We hope...

NDSHAPE State Conference 3 weeks away!

We are excited to offer a great professional development opportunity with graduate Credit available, August 1-2, 2017 at Carl Ben Eielson Middle School, Fargo, ND.  Keynote speakers include Artie Kamiya, founder at National PE Institute and Joe McCarthy, MN TOY 2015....

Proposals Requested for August State Conference

We are accepting proposals for our ND SHAPE Fall Conference in Fargo on August 1st and 2nd, 2017!  Proposals will be accepted until June 24, so if you have something great you do in your class and would like to share, please fill out our Proposal Form today!

Membership Rate Changes

As of June 1, 2017, our membership rates will be increasing.  Below are the changes: Professional Membership $35/yr; $60/2 yr; $115/4 yr Student Membership $10/yr To join after hosting a $2,000 or more JRFH/HFH event, please contact us at ndshape@gmail.com. To join at...

Recognition Awards Deadline

It is the time of year to start thinking about professionals in the field of Health and Physical Education that go above and beyond for their students.  If you know someone that deserves to be recognized for what they do, please consider nominating them!  Our...

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