2023 Elementary Sessions

Increasing Enthusiasm through Sports Education in Physical Education
Presenter: Alaina Reller
Want to spice up a unit and emphasize the importance of teamwork and enthusiasm? This presentation is a “how to” implement the sports education model into your class. The sports education model focuses on developing sports skills as well as teamwork, sportspersonship, and social and emotional skill building. This presentation will provide examples of how Alaina implemented certain parts of the sport education model into her teaching to make a creative, fun and engaging unit!

Balloons, Noodles, and Teamwork…Oh My!
Presenter: Derek Picha
Join me in this physical education activity session to learn some fun, engaging collaborative activities using pool noodles and balloons that you can take back to your school and implement with your students.

Elementary PE Favorites
Presenter: Derek Picha
Come learn and participate in a variety of simple physical education activities to maximize engagement and movement opportunities within your program.

Incorporating Health.Moves.Minds.
Presenters: NDSU Pre-Professionals
Come and learn how you can add this SEL focused program into your curriculum.  Health.Moves.Minds. can be done as a great fundraiser for your school, as a social/emotional learning program, or both!

Action! Team Games
Presenter: Owen Carlson, Gopher Sport
Gopher’s Action! Team Games – These games and activities are designed to get students moving and enhance teamwork skills. I will also be covering some classroom management techniques.

Net Generation Tennis Teacher Workshop
Presenter: Christin Schumann
The goal of this Teacher Workshop is to simulate lesson plans from the Net Generation physical education tennis curricula to help teachers learn how to organize both traditional and nontraditional spaces to deliver a tennis unit that is active, safe and fun for their students.
Lesson plans are designed to teach students skills and activities first, setting up the ability to play the
game of tennis.

Blaze Pod and PaddleZlam! Heart Rate Enhancing Activity and Data to Prove it!
Presenter: Tyler Hetland
Come participate in Blaze Pod and PaddleZlam! Two activities for your students that will raise heart rates and self-confidence in your students, plus getting your heart pumping is great for your brain and increases higher cognitive function.  The IHT data collected connects parents daily through reports and links PE to SEL and academics, K-12.  Come learn how to empower students to reach and understand their target heart rate zone and see how easy technology can be added to your PE program. The data will prove it and you’ll have the resources to present to administration and parents. PaddleZlam games will be drawn and given away at the end of the session.

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