2023 Health Education

Engaging Methodology to Personalize Learning in the Health Classroom
Presenter: Andrew Milne
Quality health education is engaging and experiential, providing students with the opportunity to engage with the materials. In this session, Andy Milne, SHAPE America’s 2017 Health Teacher of the Year, will share ways in which you can place students at the center of the learning experience, increase their engagement, and develop their sense of ownership for their health behaviors. Ideas shared are proven to work and will be easily adapted to work in your classroom.

Health is Wealth
Presenters: Dr. Kristen Ford and Dr. Julie Knutson
This session will introduce and briefly describe a variety of foundational health education tools and resources from SHAPE America, CDC, and SOPHE.  Participants will leave with access to a Google Doc that includes all of the items addressed in this session.  Anyone is welcome; however, K12 health educators as well as preservice health educators would greatly benefit from this session. Be ready to share some of your favorite and effective resources!!! Join us!  Let’s work together to continue to provide quality experiences for our health students.

Capitalizing on Opportunities to Promote PE and CSPAPs
Presenters: Dr. Jenny Linker and Dr. Kristen Ford
COVID has exacerbated the need for ALL children to have opportunities to engage in motor skill development and physical activity. Presenters will share multiple ways to maximize current opportunities in our schools to encourage children to partake in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day! Advocating for PE and physical activity using terminology associated with whole-child approaches, MTTSS, and SEL will be emphasized.

Standards-based Grading Made Easy
Presenter: Dr. Jenny Linker
Participants will become familiar with the overall concept of standards-based grading and its advantages over other grading practices. This presentation aims “to keep it simple” and focus on the basics so all participants walk (or skip) away with increased confidence to adopt this approach in their own HE/PE programs.

Memorable and Relevant Health Education for Today’s Students
Presenter: Lisa Smith
Is your health classroom and/or content in need of a refresh? This session will share unique resources and exciting strategies that are sure to leave you ready to foster an engaging, relevant and memorable learning environment for today’s health education students.

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